
Hi there! I'm Niko, a Software Developer working remotely from Chile.

I like to create content and I'm sharing about the technologies that I currently use, experiences and daily life while developing, through my blog and creating community.

I work at Stefanini Latam how Senior Full Stack Developer in a big project of Digital Transformation, raising MVPs and taking them to production for real clients throughout Chile and Latin America.

I have more than 12 years experience working in the digital world.

I currently work with:

JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Nextjs, Tailwindcss, E2E, Integration and Unit Testing, Jest, React, Testing Library, Cypress, Express / Nest.js, Java Spring Boot, GraphQL / API Rest, MongoDB, Microservices, Github Actions, Docker, Kubernetes y AWS.

I love creating new products with friendly user interfaces, with modern architectures, developing with the latest technologies and working in a team.

My favorite stack is: Nextjs + Express + GraphQL + Neo4j + Vercel.

I'm restless about learning more and I like facing new challenges.

I'm not afraid of the new.

I'm nerd. I like video games, series, reading books and comics and talking a lot.


Stefanini Latam, October 2020

Digital Transformation Project, raising MVPs and taking them to production for real clients throughout Chile and Latin America.

Development of the main app, development of microservices, modernization of the legacy, administration of libraries, among other things.

4P, February 2020 / September 2020

Architect and software developer: web development, mobile applications, database modeling, microservices development, REST APIs, Graphql and frontend development with React and Nextjs. Deployment and maintenance of code.

OQO Design and Advertising, November 2017 / February 2020

Digital Intelligence: leader of technological innovation. Development of REST APIs and Graphql services. Development and optimization of websites, applications and CRM systems. Database modeling. Evangelizer of digital transformation and agility.

WebClass, October 2017 / November 2017

Frontend Developer and Digital Marketing Manager: development and web design for the Marketing area. Promotion through various strategies, actions and means, the services of the business unit for positioning and sales purposes., July 2017 / October 2017

Digital Manager: leader of the digital team for the creation of digital strategies for optimization and positioning of the ecommerce channel for the sale of online tickets for bus tickets.

OQO Design and Advertising, March 2015 / July 2017

Digital Specialist: lead the creation and development of websites and mobile applications. Maintenance, optimization and positioning. Backend and Frontend Developer.

Agencia Brootal, December 2014 / March 2015

Digital Specialist: in charge of web development. Lead the content management for social networks and the implementation of digital and web positioning campaigns.

Agencia Digital Giga, October 2014 / December 2014

Frontend Developer and Digital Content Specialist: Web site design direction development. Design of digital strategies for social media campaigns and digital content.

Agencia Digital Socialweb, October 2013 / October 2014

Web Developer: frontend website development. Website optimization strategies design.

Galileo Libros, December 2012 / June 2013

Diagrammer, Designer and Editor: School Books and Texts for the Ministry of Education of Chile.

Samtecno, March 2010 / December 2011

Developer: Website Design and Development


Leadership, teamwork, good command of communication and expression skills, focus on innovation, mentoring, coaching, rapid and autonomous learning, self-management, active listening, empathy, solutionist mindset, responsibility, vocation for technology, among other competences in which I have been specializing.

I Hope

Work 100% remote.

Working with modern technologies in a company that has a focus on people as well as customers.

I want to develop innovative products and take advantage of both the potential and what has been learned.

I want to continue learning and continue cultivating my career.

Be part of a team that in its values, there is no discrimination, and that promotes diversity and gender equality.

I want to make software that is user-friendly in its experience and interface.

I want my work to be a good experience, stimulating, energetic, collaborative, challenging and meaningful to me.

Why me?

I like to do my work with excellence.

Because teamwork is essential for me.

I always focus on positive feedback.

I love promoting collective learning.

Because I can be a Padawan as well as a Jedi Master.

I love taking on new challenges.

I have a lot of motivation.

I never want to stop learning.

I am a good partner and also a good leader.

I've been preparing for a long time.

I am responsible with my work.

Let's leave the rest for you to know me.

Certifications and Courses

Platzi: Transformación Digital para Empresas, Fundamentos JavaScript, Frontend Developer, Curso Práctico de React.js, Curso Profesional de JavaScript, Curso de React Router y Redux, Prácticas y Entornos de Desarrollo, Server Side Rendering con Express, Backend for Frontend, Backend con Node.js, Curso de Webpack, Curso de React.js, Curso de React Avanzado, Curso de Next.js, Curso de Autenticación con Passport. js, Curso Profesional de Git y Github, Curso Esenciales de Node.js, Curso de Node. js, Curso Avanzado IoT con Node.js, Curso de Node.js con Hapi, Curso de Express. js, Curso Básico de Graphql, Programación Funcional JavaScript, Unit Testing con Jasmine MEAN, Curso de React Native, Unit Testing con Jest React, Redux, React Router, Bases de Datos, MySQL, PosgreSQL, MongoDB, Introducción a Python, POO y Algoritmos en Python, Programación Dinámica y Estocástica Python, Machine Learning, Introducción a Java SE, Java Spring Boot, etc.

Inbound Marketing in HubSpot Academy, Digital Marketing iab Spain Google Actívate, Web Analytic in EOI Escuela de Organización Industria Google Actívate, E-Commerce EOI Escuela de Organización Industria Google Actívate, Search, Video, Mobile y Shopping Google Ads in Google Skillshop Certification, Analytics en Google Skillshop Certification.